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Liability Insurance for Associations

What type of insurance is it? Liability insurance (BA: burgerlijke aansprakelijkheid / RC: responsabilité civile) for associations, complemented by legal protection (RB: rechtsbijstand / PJ: protection juridique) for your association’s activities in the sports, cultural, or social sectors, including event organization. The liability insurance protects your association from the financial consequences of bodily injury and material damage caused to third parties. The legal protection insurance safeguards your legal interests. These insurances are subject to the terms of the contract.

What is insured?

  • The extracontractual liability of your association, its members, employees, volunteers, and governing bodies for bodily injury and material damage caused to third parties.
  • The organization and participation in the association’s activities, including meetings, rehearsals, training sessions, and trips.
  • The maintenance and repair of equipment and installations necessary for the activities.
  • Participation in fairs and exhibitions, managing club premises, the sale and preparation of food and drinks, and organizing lotteries.
  • The use of promotional materials for the association’s activities.
  • Organizing recreational events for members or fundraising for the association (e.g., parties, barbecues, excursions).
  • Liability insurance for volunteers in accordance with the law.
  • Extension to contractual liability for damage caused by fire, explosions, smoke, water, etc., to buildings or tents that you temporarily use or rent.

What is not insured?

  • Material damage caused to third parties by fire or explosion in the association’s building.
  • Damage caused by sailing boats (> 300 kg) and motorboats (> 10 horsepower), as well as aircraft.
  • Damage caused to buildings and equipment not used for the insured activities.
  • Damage to movable and immovable property (including animals) held in the care of the insured.
  • Organizing activities without the necessary permits.
  • Damage caused by fireworks, bicycle races, and motorsports (except for tourist rallies).

For legal protection:

  • Disputes involving motor vehicles, aircraft, or boats.
  • Claims under the law on workplace accidents.
  • Contractual disputes.

Are there insurance limitations?

  • The organization of up to two recreational or fundraising events (with a maximum of 300 participants each) per year is automatically insured. Additional or larger events can be insured upon request.
  • Except for bodily injury, a deductible applies, as stated in the policy.
  • The coverage applies within the insured limits specified in the contract.
  • The extension for fire-related damage and similar applies within the specified limit.
  • Civil defense coverage for insured persons other than the policyholder only applies to bodily injury and when compensation is not possible under the workplace accident law.
  • The intervention threshold for legal protection is €200. For lawyers in the Court of Cassation or cases handled by this court, the dispute amount must exceed €1,250.

Where am I covered?

If you are in Belgium, you are covered for liability worldwide and for legal protection in the EU, Norway, and Switzerland.

What are my obligations?

  • Provide honest, accurate, and complete information about the risk when entering into the contract.
  • Report any changes in activities or liability risks.
  • Take preventive measures to avoid damage.
  • Report accidents within the time frame specified in the contract.
  • Refrain from admitting liability in the event of an accident.

When and how do I pay?

Pay the annual premium upon receipt of the payment request. A split premium payment is possible under certain conditions.

When does the coverage start and end?

The start date and duration are stated in the policy. The contract lasts for one year and is automatically renewed.

How can I cancel the contract?

You can cancel the contract no later than two months before its expiration. Cancellation must be done by letter, a notification via a bailiff, or by hand-delivery with acknowledgment of receipt.